I am always excited to find beginner books from @ChronicleKids because as a reading specialist (and soon to be school media specialist), I really understand just how important it is for parents to read good, exciting and fun books to their babies and toddlers. There is much research backing what those of us who have been in the struggling reader trenches know by living it.
Because I am a middle school teacher, I typically give all my beginning books away to a local preschool or friends with young ones, but I am keeping this one! Funny, cute watercolor illustrations, and skill-building: this one is a keeper.
You can pre-order Who Done It? HERE
Good for practicing beginning vocabulary and directions, All Shook Up!
Available August 18, 2015 HERE
Who's There?
Again available August 18, 2015 HERE
Finally, for the very young, is a couple board books that help babies learn about happy and sad as the little driver makes various trucks go and various makes friends smile. These will be available September 15, 2015, but you can preorder them HERE
Thank you to Chronicle Kids for the copies of some great new books for parents, grandparents & teachers this fall!
----------------- That's all folks! -----------------
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