The Thirteen Days Of Halloween
The design and feel of The Thirteen Days Of Halloween
This leads to two small criticisms. The characters are “good friends,” leaving the question: Why not “true love?” This unnecessary change from the original seems forced, as the illustrations clearly depict a courtship styled relationship. Also, the cadence matches the original in all respects except for one syllabic change with “cooked worms” for “golden rings.” Wouldn’t “crooked worms” have worked better? For teaching purposes, reading cooked as two syllables is bad form. Though, both of these criticisms seem picky when considering the fun housed within the pages of The Thirteen Days Of Halloween.
Recommended for emergent readers and Halloween celebrating children in grades K-3.
-------------------- Resources --------------------
Genre: Picture Book. Age: 4-8. Pages: 32.Themes: Holiday
Thank You to Sourcebooks Jabberwocky
ISBN: 978-1402230967
Buy The Thirteen Days Of Halloween Here
Vocabulary: vulture, wizard, cauldrons, hissing, creeping, whizzing, gobbling, swooping
Activities: Of course you have to have the students guess what is inside the box at the story’s end! It could take the form of an oral discussion or as a written reader’s response.
If you can find an instrumental version of The Twelve Days of Christmas, you can have a little sing along.
Can the students spot the adorable little dog skeleton on each page?
About the author & illustrator:
Carol Greene wrote her first poem when she was six years old (it was about a spider). To date she has published over a hundred books for children. Carol also likes to read, sing, and make teddy bears. She lives in Webster Groves, Missouri, with her cat Dulcie.


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