Astronuts by Jon Scieszka |
My Two Cents: I'm not sure that little old me has much to add to discussions of this great new title
as it has already garnered coveted starred reviews from both Kirkus & Publisher’s Weekly (as well as a glowing review from School Library Journal). Those shiny stars are not simply awarded because AstroNuts Mission One: The Plant Planet
AstroNuts Mission One: The Plant Planet
Although the mind of Scieszka might appear to be filled with mayhem, his tellings are always way deeper and thoughtfully skilled than a simple glance. Scieszka pulls off Earth's first-person narration whilst farts and booger jokes barrel out alongside scientific facts. It's all so nonchalant; leaving young readers laughing while absorbing some pretty weighty background knowledge on science, space and the environment. There's also a big essential question built within the theme concerning our role in not only dooming Earth, but also our exploration rights to junk up space.
AstroNuts Mission One: The Plant Planet
AstroNuts Mission One: The Plant Planet
Highest Recommendation from this little old reading & education specialist :-)
Genre: Science Fiction/Humor/Adventure/Graphic Novel Hybrid
Age: 7 - 12 / Grades 3 - 6
Pages: 220
Date: September 2019 ISBN: 978-1452171197
Thank You to publisher Chronicle Books for my review copy
Topics: Climate Change, Space Exploration, Genetic Engineering, Science Facts
Characters: The genetically engineered creatures are a hoot, each with their own quirks that I expect will come into play further as the series progresses
Plot: Will the Astronuts find a "Golidilocks" planet that is not too hot and not too cold, but just right (like Earth)?
Originality: Completely original
Believability: Oddly, very much so. The serious issue of climate change is actually rendered as more dire by the madcap mayhem because kids will actually want to listen to the telling.
You can buy AstroNuts Mission One: The Plant Planet HERE
You can read more about illustrator Steven Weinberg on his website > HERE
You can read more about author Jon Scieszka on his website > HERE
--------------- That's all folks! ---------------
© 2007-2019 Dr. Cheryl Vanatti, education & reading specialist writing at