When the riptide pulls at the boat, tugging her away from the shore and deep into the rough waters of the Gulf of Mexico, panic sets in, and the fairy tales that lured her out there go tumbling into the waves. Maybe the blue moon isn’t magic and maybe the sandbar won’t sparkle with mermaids and maybe — Oh, no…”Maybe” is just too difficult to bear. Kathi Appelt follows up to her New York Times bestseller, The Underneath, with a tale that will pull right at your very core — stronger than moon currents — capturing the crash and echo of the waves and the dark magic of the ocean.
So many wonderful and interesting things are happening in Keeper
On genre mixing: In my reading world outside of children’s literature, I LOVE magical realism. If I had to choose only one genre for the rest of my life (blasphemy!), magical realism would be it. Yet, children’s literature doesn’t seem as willing to blur the lines between genres. Perhaps children’s authors think their young audience too immature to handle the fuzziness. I’m sure glad Kathi Applet doesn’t feel that way. Keeper
On the theme of love and family: Another thing I adored about Keeper
Allusions to Mr. Carroll, salty sea tales & mermaid mythology: If you really want to get crazy pull out that old college copy of The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock as the epigraph begins there! But there are also allusions to Alice in Wonderland (nonsense verse) and all sorts of mermaid lore to find.
On non-linear storytelling: Keeper
On writing for children: There are good writers with good stories and there are stories that hold children's brief attention whether they conjure grand thoughts or lofty ideals. Kathi Appelt is a good writer with a beautiful story. In Keeper,
Recommended for class read-aloud & discussion and for the advanced reader who likes magically realistic stories of nontraditional families.
-------------------- Resources --------------------
Genre: Magical RealismAge: 9 -12
Pages: 416
Themes: Non-traditional Families, Love, Friendship
Thank You to Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing for my advanced copy
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Date: May 2010
ISBN: 978-1416950608
Great Reading Group Guide: HERE!
Take a peek at the story: HERE!
Here's the book trailer:
Ms. Appelt snagged three heavy-duty award nods for her novel The Underneath,
Although I didn't mention them, the illustrations add to the quiet beauty of this story. The artist is August Hall. You can read more about him HERE.
© 2007-2010 Cheryl Vanatti for www.ReadingRumpus.com